“Have we done everything we can for this patient?”
Dr. Edgar Miller (Nepal, 1959)
I am a practicing physician with an interest in nutritional, biochemical and environmental aspects of chronic illness in adults and children.
Early in my 50 years of caring for people seeking answer for chronic illnesses I found a way of listening that begins with a symptom checklist as part of a long questionnaire with a chronological record of illnesses and life events. Before meeting my patients, I have studied and sorted the checklist by frequency and severity. Our first conversation starts with a mutual grasp of the story with and then consider the options. This approach differs from the way I was trained in two ways. First, it respects the patient as a source of details and second, it considers details that are irrelevant to making a diagnosis but which may be game-changers in making a plan.

Child Behavior (with F. Ilg and L. B. Ames), Harper & Row, 1982
Your Ten to Fourteen Year Old (with L. B. Ames and F. Ilg), Delacorte, 1988
Folic Acid, Keats Publishers, 1995
Detoxification and Healing, McGraw Hill, 2003
The Circadian Prescription, Putnam, 2000
Biomedical Assessment Options for Children with Autism and Related Problems (with J. Pangborn), ARI 2002
Autism: Effective Biomedical Treatments (with J. Pangborn), ARI 2005 (addendum 2007)
We Band of Mothers (with J. Chinitz), ARI 2007
Autism 360: The Development of an Online Database with Patient-Entered Data
Gender Differences Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Secular Trend of Sex Ratio and Symptom Patterns Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorder as a Model for Thinking Differently About Patients with Complex Disease
Here is a short film introducing you to my small effort in the restoration of the microbiome with helminthic therapy.